zondag, oktober 31, 2004
Autumn Garden Work
The Gentle Giant
The tall, friendly giant Minorca rooster (Dutch link) who has been very, very sick. In our chicken hospital he recovered and he looks so much better now.

Welcome Bankiva
Because one of our Minorca chickens died, we got 4 new Bankiva chickens plus this rooster. An ancient kind of chicken according to the encyclopedia.

Not Funny Anymore Really
The Friesche rooster, keeping an eye on mom, circling her...and then when she got up, attacking her. Funny chap.

zaterdag, oktober 30, 2004
Hester's Muffins
Aunt Hester was here. She made loads of delicious muffins. They are tiny, just two bites. But then I can have three instead of one.
1 cup almond or pecan flour (or a mix)
4 eggs
1/3 cup honey
1/2 cup sunflower oil or clarified butter
1 very ripe banana
5 tbsp steamed squash
1/2 tbsp baking soda
pinch of salt and some cinnamon

vrijdag, oktober 29, 2004
My Room With My View
donderdag, oktober 28, 2004
Farmer Karin wrote in my little book:
Swimming lessons went well. I pay attention for about 30 minutes, but then I am too tired to listen really. My swim instructor will do water games with me after half an hour. I need to get used to things a bit still.
"It's been a good day. Nick was relaxed and made a 'clear' and bright
impression. He helped me with letting the cows outside. He now knows very well
what has to be done: open the fence, open and close the doors, attach the 'guiding'
wire. Nick and Farmer Jos bought food for the smaller animals in the village.
They also picked up grass bales with the tractor. The food supplier stopped by with his giant truck.Nick watched from a safe distance. There was lots of noise.
Swimming lessons went well. I pay attention for about 30 minutes, but then I am too tired to listen really. My swim instructor will do water games with me after half an hour. I need to get used to things a bit still.
woensdag, oktober 27, 2004
An Overview Of My Work On A Wednesday
What we do is work at one of my tables for a short period of time, about 5/6/7 minutes and then I can go and play. The teacher stops when things really go well. Play for me is looking out of the window, playing with a tractor, sometimes the trains or some Lego. This morning when we did work I made puzzles, built a garage with Lego with all kinds of repair work, draw, read a book with my teacher (plus answering lots of questions about the story and the pictures). Later I showed my teacher the new Minorca chickens. One of them died.
We jumped on the trampolene.
After lunch we went to the swimming pool. In this pool you can go outside, there's a bubble bath or jacuzzi and a river. I have learned that I have to stay close to my teacher and not run away. We had a very nice day. I was not so angry, like I have been lately. Maybe my teachers expected a bit too much of me. I feel they have changed this a bit.
We jumped on the trampolene.
After lunch we went to the swimming pool. In this pool you can go outside, there's a bubble bath or jacuzzi and a river. I have learned that I have to stay close to my teacher and not run away. We had a very nice day. I was not so angry, like I have been lately. Maybe my teachers expected a bit too much of me. I feel they have changed this a bit.
(we had a meeting last week and decided that we did have to change:
lessons will be shorter and easier. This is to make sure that Nick
will stay motivated in working with his teachers)
dinsdag, oktober 26, 2004
Autumn Search
I did lots of hard work with my teacher today. Many different things like domino, talking, reading, playing with the doll... And then we went outside to go trampolene jumping. We took a bag with us to collect autumn leaves. A whole bag full! The colours are a miracle. See what we can make of the leaves tomorrow. Scott has put his leaves in his leaf-press. Finn will also make something of his leaves and will take it to school.
Scott's Birthday
My brother is now ten years old! He got many presents. Scott loves sports and is an very active boy. So he got a compass, a Swiss Knife, a sports watch, a calendar with cats, a book, new socks, and other nice things. My birthday is not far away either. We had lots of people at our house. Because I knew them all well, I was relaxed about it. As a surprise, I spent the saturday at the Special Farm. I picked up the large hay bales for the cows in the tractor with Farmer Jos.
maandag, oktober 25, 2004
Speculaasjes (sorry cannot translate, the link is good!)
Mmmmmm new press out cookies. With speculaas taste.
Mix all ingredients well. Put in cookie press. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes at moderate heat (in my oven at 165 Celsius)

250 grams (about 2 heaped cups) almond/hazelnut flour
3 eggs
a pinch of salt
teaspoon of Speculaas-herbs (?, see above link for details)
Mix all ingredients well. Put in cookie press. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes at moderate heat (in my oven at 165 Celsius)

donderdag, oktober 21, 2004
Good Day On The Special Farm
But I was so tired when I got home. All I wanted to do was lie down and play a bit with my tractor. Finn was glad to see me and wanted very much to play but I was not in the mood. I showed grandma our new Minorca chickens. They are biiiiig, huge... Only when someone will hold my hand, I dare go near the chickens and the roosters. Mom was attacked by our Friesche Zilverpel rooster this weekend. She was really angry at him and said this rooster was getting way too protective.
Omeletties, The Easy And Fast Way
This is how mom and aunt Hester make my omeletties. Take the big pizza or foccaccia tin/pan. Preheat oven at 175 Celsius and then:
Pour onto the pan. Sprinkle with pine nuts or almons slivers. Bake for about 20 minutes till slightly brownish. Cut with pizza knife and freeze if you like/must.

12 eggs (yes twelve)
some ground beef or chicken
dark leafed veggies, big handful
fried onion
some fried garlic
fresh herbs, whatever you like
mix in the blender, not too fine
Pour onto the pan. Sprinkle with pine nuts or almons slivers. Bake for about 20 minutes till slightly brownish. Cut with pizza knife and freeze if you like/must.

woensdag, oktober 20, 2004
Back From The Party Weekend
Well it's been a lovely weekend with my friend Petra. We went shopping for new boots. I tried these in her garden and they are wonderful. They sink really deep in the mud. We did go to the zoo. It was very special. All was dark, torches everywhere, African drummers, beautiful. Mom packed all my food and I ate almost all of it:
flat Dutch pancakes
omelettes (with meat & veggies)
berry juice
nut milk
zaterdag, oktober 16, 2004
vrijdag, oktober 15, 2004
I felt very good after my session with Susan. In the car on the way home I laughed in a funny way and made lots of strange noises. Mom will report this to Susan and then she will know what to think of it. Back home I felt quite relaxed and I was very, very happy to see my old friend Petra. I will spend the entire weekend at her home! We will do lots of nice and exciting things. Something with a zoo and then in the evening and with candles, I don't know...
donderdag, oktober 14, 2004
Still Impressed
Although it has been more than a day since the hot air balloon flew over, I still see it. I still talk about it.
Swimming went well today. The instructor Henk says it is not easy to talk to me. Also he has a hard time understanding me. But what I really think is that he talks just too much. He thinks I am afraid or something and he has to soothe me with words. Well Henk, rest assured. I am not afraid, I am just exited. And when you talk too much, I get all confused.
I'm looking forward to seeing Susan, my neurofeedback therapist.
And then tomorrow there will be a huge surprise for me, I will see my good, good friend Petra again. She will pick me up and I will stay with her for the WHOLE weekend! She lives in a big city called Utrecht.
Swimming went well today. The instructor Henk says it is not easy to talk to me. Also he has a hard time understanding me. But what I really think is that he talks just too much. He thinks I am afraid or something and he has to soothe me with words. Well Henk, rest assured. I am not afraid, I am just exited. And when you talk too much, I get all confused.
I'm looking forward to seeing Susan, my neurofeedback therapist.
And then tomorrow there will be a huge surprise for me, I will see my good, good friend Petra again. She will pick me up and I will stay with her for the WHOLE weekend! She lives in a big city called Utrecht.
Beyond Specific Foods
....lies a complex world. The accurate reader has already seen and sensed that things do not always run as smoothly and calmly as they seem. To keep yourselves updated on what lies beneath this friendly façade, go here...see also permanent link on left side of this page. Updated almost daily.
woensdag, oktober 13, 2004
Now this one came flying over my head just before we had dinner. I was scared and ran inside and did some hiding. Later I saw that this hot air balloon landed near.....Vroomshoop. (the girls that work with Nick know ALL about Vroomshoop) 

I Want To Do Some More Sports!
...so I asked my teacher today if we could go swimming this afternoon. And lucky me, she said yes! We just went for a small walk across the field where all the hay bales are. I notice that in another field, the farmer still has to harvest the corn. This shredded corn is a treat for our chickens. They eat all kinds of food, like rice, lentils, stale bread, veggies, cut grass, weeds, squash etcetc.
We also did some work at the table. Already I have made some marble art. Click on the link and find yourself in the world of Do2Learn, a truly magical website.
We also did some work at the table. Already I have made some marble art. Click on the link and find yourself in the world of Do2Learn, a truly magical website.
dinsdag, oktober 12, 2004
To The Bookshop
Because of the Children's Book Week, I went to the bookshop. I bought a book about music. Mom got a phonecall this afternoon from Susan, my neurofeedback therapist. They made a couple of appointments. I can go the coming fridays in the afternoon! Neurofeedback is like a fresh crystal clear waterfall for my brain. And I adore Susan of course.

This is the pressed hay, wrapped in plastic. They are huge and there's about 12 of these on our field. 

maandag, oktober 11, 2004
New Chickens
Tomorrow I'll show some pictures of our new and really wild chickens.
Week Of Children's Books (Dutch link)
Last thursday was the start of the Week Of Children's Books. In The library we got some new books. Also today I did lots of work. Counting, puzzles, talking, drawing, matching, pointing and playing with Lego and our train. Outside, the tractor also had a busy day. He had to pick up all the grass they cut last week. This grass is for the cows when they are inside in the winter time. They press the grass and then pack it in green plastic.
zaterdag, oktober 09, 2004
I was awake at about 7.30 this morning. I decided it was time to roll around a bit in my bed. But I forgot that I always have to go to the toilet so I did my BM (poop) in bed. But the rolling around was big fun. Then I was hungry. I climbed out of bed. I entered the kitchen. Mom was a bit shocked by how I looked. I took a long shower. Dad put soap on me - twice in fact. I still had that funny smell around me all morning. My sheets are still in the washing machine. They simply won't get cleaned up.
This evening I decided it was time to make up a bit for my forgetfulness. I - again - climbed out of bed, but this time I sat down on the toilet to do what I have to do. I know I am a big boy. Dad feels lucky because the poop was all in the bed and not on the wall or between the cracks of the floor this morning.
This evening I decided it was time to make up a bit for my forgetfulness. I - again - climbed out of bed, but this time I sat down on the toilet to do what I have to do. I know I am a big boy. Dad feels lucky because the poop was all in the bed and not on the wall or between the cracks of the floor this morning.
vrijdag, oktober 08, 2004
A Bit Better
This evening during dinner, I did some good talking. (On the TV I saw an inflatable big bird. I said: "maybe a baby has been born. Dutch: Misschien is er wel een baby geboren" A good solid sentence plus some imagination) Only when I feel good, I can talk well.
A relaxing and sunny day. Lots of outside work. The field next to our house has been mowed for the last time this year. And then the tractor comes with a special instrument to turn all the grass upside down, so that it can dry in the sun. I have been watching that from the trampolene. To get to the trampolene, I have to walk past the chickens and I am a bit afraid. We have new chickens, but some have already escaped. Mom & Scott tried to catch them, but they wasted their time. The new chickens are like combat soldiers, you can't see them because of their colour. They do go to sleep in the big chicken house though. Also, there are some baby chickens that still have to grow a lot. They are locked in the small chicken house for a couple of days so they know it is their home.
A relaxing and sunny day. Lots of outside work. The field next to our house has been mowed for the last time this year. And then the tractor comes with a special instrument to turn all the grass upside down, so that it can dry in the sun. I have been watching that from the trampolene. To get to the trampolene, I have to walk past the chickens and I am a bit afraid. We have new chickens, but some have already escaped. Mom & Scott tried to catch them, but they wasted their time. The new chickens are like combat soldiers, you can't see them because of their colour. They do go to sleep in the big chicken house though. Also, there are some baby chickens that still have to grow a lot. They are locked in the small chicken house for a couple of days so they know it is their home.
donderdag, oktober 07, 2004
And Off He Goes
Again A Busy Day
This morning I was up early. I knew it was my Special Farm day. Because I love to go there, I am motivated to do things more quickly, like eating my breakfast. Also getting my boots and my coat went super smooth. Grandma picked me up at 8 o'clock sharp and Finn and mom waved goodbye.
woensdag, oktober 06, 2004
So Many Things In My Head
And they keep ricocheting around my brain....like a song you can't shake loose. The things that keep going around in my head are the Special Farm, 'De Waarbeek', tractors, big tyres, hot air balloons.... Because this is really bothering me, I cannot concentrate well. When my teacher talks to me or asks me something, I answer with something that has to do with my own thoughts. And when I don't know anymore, I start hitting her. I never hit mom and dad. I do hit Finn or I hit the table. Also I scream. I think that I have seen too many changes in the past couple of weeks. But I DO like to move on.
(note from mom: october 20 we will have a meeting to discuss all the hitting. It must stop. We try to ignore the bad behaviour, but the hitting does not fade away. Just right now he wanted to hit me, but decided against it in the last split-second.)
(note from mom: october 20 we will have a meeting to discuss all the hitting. It must stop. We try to ignore the bad behaviour, but the hitting does not fade away. Just right now he wanted to hit me, but decided against it in the last split-second.)
dinsdag, oktober 05, 2004
A surprise this morning. Last summer I went to Giethoorn with one of my teachers. We went to see a boat. We were there all day and we had lots of fun, I remember. Well today she brought some pictures of that warm and sunny day. We bought a frame for the most beautiful picture and made it nicer. 

maandag, oktober 04, 2004
World Animal Day - Hedgehog Sadness
We talked about animals today. What do they eat, what sounds do they make... Also, I did some drawing and painting (a blue car with black wheels). After I had lunch - flat pancakes with peanut butter and some watered down berry juice - I took the bike and rode to the soccer field. Later, in our garden, we searched for the small but tragical hedgehog that got tangled up in a net. It was dead.
When mom cut away the net yesterday it was barely alive, and the hedgehog had been bothered by flies already. She tried to give it a bath. Scott gave it some food. But we knew it was too late.

When mom cut away the net yesterday it was barely alive, and the hedgehog had been bothered by flies already. She tried to give it a bath. Scott gave it some food. But we knew it was too late.

zondag, oktober 03, 2004
The Tractor Book
zaterdag, oktober 02, 2004
Nice & Sunny Day
even though autumn has arrived, days can still be sunny. Because the weather was so nice, I wanted to ride my old tricycle in the garden and on the terrace. Turns out the trike is way back in the garden, near the chickens. Well, I must confess I am really scared of the cock. When we run in his territory, he will jump up and pick at us. So mom got the bike for me. She explained that all we have to do is walk slowly in the chicken-garden and not scare the cock.