donderdag, april 28, 2005
On The Bike
Mom says that the whole thing feels like sitting on our tandem.
maandag, april 25, 2005
New Bike!

zondag, april 24, 2005
Finn Was Looking Great At The Wedding....
....but I won't post pictures. His fine clothes must remain a secret to the next bride & bridegroom. Because in july, we'll have another wedding. My aunt Hester and her Bastiaan will get married.
Finn was asked to be a sort of special male assistant to the bridesgroom. He looked like a very fine gentleman. His clothes were comfortable, yet ultra stylish. He played his role like he had never done anything else.
At The Wedding
Look closely and you'll see the couple in the background. We had a beautiful day, full of sunshine. We were there all day long (+ at the town hall, the restaurant, the church, the party).
Horseman Talking to Nick
At friday's wedding, the bridesgroom Jan-Willem picked up his bride Hanneke by carriage & four horses. The horseman asked me to climb up on his bench! I looked at the four black horses.
woensdag, april 20, 2005
dinsdag, april 19, 2005
Wedding Preparations
Today I went to the tractor shop with mom & my teacher. We had a look at all the fine machinery: tractors, brand new combines, wagons, and all other equipment. The lady from the shop gave us a couple of folders to take home....I was o-ver-joyed!
maandag, april 18, 2005
Finn 5 Years!
donderdag, april 14, 2005
Big Wedding Coming Up Next Week
On the big day, one of my teachers will come along. In the evening, aunt Hester will be there. The date is april 22nd.
donderdag, april 07, 2005
School Business
Today's meeting was a tough one. Four new people, two of them very sceptical. Going into all kinds of details while we tried to keep things general etc. Seeing all kinds of impossibilities, while we have taught ourselves to think positively. BUT, in the end, we did talk for more than an hour. We did plant some kind of seed and we have created curiousity. Next meeting is in about 6 weeks, due to school festivities and the short may-vacation.
zondag, april 03, 2005
Bronzee by the spring sun
Me & the teacher's dog after playing soccer

Nick & the teacher's dog after playing soccer, originally uploaded by SpecificFoodsForSpecificMinds.
We went to my teacher's house to have a look at the newborn lambs. She didn't tell me about the nice dog! We played and I was not at all afraid of him.
vrijdag, april 01, 2005
LoisLang's Luscious Bread
My aunt Hester was here to make new goodies for me. She made peanutbutter caramels, 'easter' candies, honey nougat, bread, omeletties. She's busy all day. She was very proud of the bread.
Our own eggs, gift from our chickens
Happy! & School Business
Yesterday was my last swimming lesson. We want to stop for a while. Maybe next year we want to try again. In the water I see so many things (there is nothing, just the light & the water), I have to think so hard what to do next. I like playing in the water much more than before, though. And on thursdays I can stay more hours at the Special Farm!
(Very busy with school. Meeting, talking, thinking... step by step things are shaping, minds are changing... Next week is important. On wednesday the presentation of the big plan to the school brainstorming team, they know nothing now. We've put together a document in such a fashion that when you read it, you can only agree that it is the right thing to do for our village. My input will be telling the team that Nick has no friends. Explaining why being invited to a birthday party is crucial. )