woensdag, maart 23, 2005


The manure injector with Fendt tractor

Here's that impressive thing. I cannot stop talking about it. It seems all farmers have made an appointment to do manure injecting TODAY!


Nick watching the manure injector intensely

This afternoon, the farmer had decided it was time to inject some manure into the field next to our house. It is a very special moment for me. It only happens two or three times. The big tractor pulls the manure injector. Big wheels. Lots of smell.

dinsdag, maart 22, 2005

...And off it goes...byebye! Posted by Hello


Big Fendt

With great speed the manure injector races across the fields. I talked to the farmer. I looked at the big wheels. The tractor that is pulling, is a 'Fendt'.  Posted by Hello

'PalmPasen' Parade with Finn and all the kids from school. We walked to the elderly home. I adore older people. Posted by Hello

Waiting for Finn in front of the school. Posted by Hello

The small egg-net that mom made to carry my eggs in. Posted by Hello


The Wedding

We had a great time, but mom forgot her *^%*&%$&^(%&^%$% camera!!

donderdag, maart 17, 2005


Farming, The Traditional Way

We went to the city to have a look at something special. In the city park a farmer was plowing the field, but he used a horse instead of a tractor. I was very interested in the farmer and his beautiful horse. Lots of people had come to watch. Older people on their scootmobiles. I asked how the scootmobile worked and the friendly man explained to me. We had a wonderful afternoon, my teacher and me. Usually I ask "when are we going home?", but not this time. Posted by Hello

Tomorrow is a big day. My teacher Karin will get married! We made some special presents for the couple. Mom will take lots of pictures for sure.

MMMMmmmmm yummie nut milk, fresh out of the blender.  Posted by Hello

maandag, maart 14, 2005


School Business

Last thursday another meeting with the people at school. We had agreed to discuss major obstacles, no details yet. We split up the tasks and each of us explained his/her bit. Interesting to see was that all obstacles revolve around the same things: the will and the guts to change. Firmly on board are now the school manager and his remedial teacher (she had all kinds of doubt last time). Our next goal is to prepare for the team meeting. We have to put together some reading material for the other teachers at school plus the actual meeting itself.
I feel there is no turning back now really.

zaterdag, maart 12, 2005

I love the newborn goats. they are cuddly and very soft Posted by Hello

Yesterday I was at the Special Goat Farm. The truck driver allowed me to sit behind the steering wheel. Scaaarrryyy!  Posted by Hello

woensdag, maart 09, 2005


School Business

Tomorrow another school meeting. More discussion about what objections from kids, parents and teachers we can expect.

The pool! Posted by Hello


Swimming Pool Fun

My teacher arrived this morning and we went to the swimming pool soon after. I felt good, we had lots of fun. On wednesday mornings it's not that crowded, I like that better.

maandag, maart 07, 2005


Almost Healthy

Did some work and play on the computer in my room with my teacher. She read me some stories and we made a surprise for my other teacher. She's getting married in 11 days!
The snow is melting away...and I did not even enjoy it because I was sick.

zaterdag, maart 05, 2005


Still Not Feeling Too Well, But A Bit Better

My teacher sent me some photo's to cheer me up. How sweet! This weekend mom has arranged a computer for me in my workspace. I can watch Flickr slideshows of balloons or whatever, can play games and other fun stuff! I always had to ask Scott or mom, and then we had to watch in mom & dad's office.  Posted by Hello
Whoa, what happened, Milktruck?

donderdag, maart 03, 2005


Not Feeling Well

Sick, watching Asterix & Obelix on tv. Not eating much. Bit of a fever, headache.


Chickens and Roosters in the winter garden

Today I don't feel so well. I have a fever. I lay on the couch all day, watch a bit of tv. No Special Farm for me today. Tomorrow I'll be better.

woensdag, maart 02, 2005


Looking out of the window at all that SNOW!

dinsdag, maart 01, 2005



This morning, in the snow, I took a long and cold walk with my teacher. I had to take the wheelbarrow. When we got home, we were both freezing cold. In the afternoon we went to take a look at her new house. I asked her if I could stay sometime in the future and of course we've got a date...!
I talk about the milktruck a lot, about when I will go to the Goat Farm again, and when we'll have dinner. The clock helps a bit with knowing when things will happen.

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