donderdag, maart 17, 2005
Farming, The Traditional Way
We went to the city to have a look at something special. In the city park a farmer was plowing the field, but he used a horse instead of a tractor. I was very interested in the farmer and his beautiful horse. Lots of people had come to watch. Older people on their scootmobiles. I asked how the scootmobile worked and the friendly man explained to me. We had a wonderful afternoon, my teacher and me. Usually I ask "when are we going home?", but not this time. 

Tomorrow is a big day. My teacher Karin will get married! We made some special presents for the couple. Mom will take lots of pictures for sure.

Tomorrow is a big day. My teacher Karin will get married! We made some special presents for the couple. Mom will take lots of pictures for sure.