dinsdag, november 30, 2004
Wake Up Call
..from Finn, my little brother. Finn went to the bathroom first and then found out that Sinterklaas had put a small present in his shoe! He came to my bed and woke me up ever-so-gently. Still sleepy and squinting my eyes against the light, I looked at my shoe. A present! It was a toy police car. Later on, I told my teacher all about it.
maandag, november 29, 2004
Presents In My Shoe
When Sinterklaas has arrived in our country, he and Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) will throw small presents through the chimneys of all houses. So in the evening, before we go to bed, we can put our shoes near the chimney. Dad will play Sinterklaas songs on the piano and we sing along. Then the next morning we all rush to see if there's something in our shoe!
(NOTE: of course the parents put these presents in the shoes. Sometimes, when children have behaved badly, Zwarte Piet/the parents can put a small bag of salt or a small broom in the shoe. These are all old traditions. When kids get really bad, parents can mention the Bag that Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet take with them. Especially naughty kids will be put in the Bag to Spain, where Sinterklaas lives 49 weeks a year. These 'threats' are more a thing of the past)
vrijdag, november 26, 2004
A Day At The Goat Farm
...from this morning till this evening, after dinner... I fed the goats and had a great time with Farmer Fokalien.
donderdag, november 25, 2004
Tired, Tired
...of all the nice things that happened yesterday. There were so many people! It was hard to fall asleep in the evening. But grandma picked me up early to go to the Special Farm. GrandPA brought me back home! And then I had my next appointment on the-always-busy-thursday: swimming lessons. I told mom that I was tired. She said I should tell the swim instructor that I'd rather play in the water. And that is exactly what we did most of the time. For dinner I had steamed pumpkin with boerenkool (is it KALE?) in great quantities.
(NOTE: canceling the swimming lesson did cross my mind, but he can and will sleep late tomorrow morning. Plus there is no neuro feedback session)
woensdag, november 24, 2004
Great Great Day
The evening before my 8th birthday I had a long and emotional sobbing spell in my bed. It was all the built up tension towards my birthday and a bit of Sinterklaas. (NOTE: Well this is the first time we see that he is actually really nervous and very conscious about what is going to happen - very very positive. And not about something that HAS happened! Although it was not so nice for HIM, I see it as a kind of growing up emotionally.). Mom sang a lullaby and I asked her kindly to leave, but to return for a small kiss. After 1/2 a minute I was asleep.
So today was the big day. I felt so happy and the presents I got were so nice. I smiled a lot and we sang songs, I had my special pumpkin-birthday cake. I blew out all 8 candles... All my friends were there. What a great day.
So today was the big day. I felt so happy and the presents I got were so nice. I smiled a lot and we sang songs, I had my special pumpkin-birthday cake. I blew out all 8 candles... All my friends were there. What a great day.
8 Years Old Today
8 years old
I feel very happy and got some presents already......
8 years old
I feel very happy and got some presents already......
maandag, november 22, 2004
Lots Of Work Done
My teacher and me took a long walk in the drizzly rain this afternoon. When we got back, I made a drawing of a hedgehog with her (the digital camera is out for businesss, back on wednesday). Also we built a barn of LEGO together. We parked the tractors and the big truck full of food for the cows. I pretended I was feeding the cows. Of course we sang Sinterklaas-songs. At the dinner table we all did some Sinterklaas singing. Especially the 'bonne-bonne-bonne'-part is my kinda song!
Lovely Weekend
Saturday at the Special Goat Farm and Sunday at the other Special Farm. The two doggies at the Goat farm are very different from each other. I tried picking one dog up by its tail and he did not mind. I tried playing with the other dog and all I got was a huge scratch across my face....! So maybe I will think twice next time (or maybe not). The goats are very friendly. I can always give them a hug if I want to.
zaterdag, november 20, 2004
Busy Doggies

vrijdag, november 19, 2004
First Snow
(Just been at Photowish )The first 'snow' has fallen. I ran into the garden with Finn, catching and tasting the snowflakes. Wild!
donderdag, november 18, 2004
This is the specially painted Sinterklaas-Art sneaker. The straw and the carrot are for Sinterklaas' horse Amerigo. Zwarte Piet can put a present in this special sneaker. 

More Sinterklaas
woensdag, november 17, 2004
Sinterklaas Soon

(all about this wonderful Dutch tradition here. The Description of all the preparations is exactly right. Especially small children are nervous towards december 5. Every day there's even a special Sinterklaas-news bulletin on TV.)
dinsdag, november 16, 2004
Better And Up To Speed Again
Since yesterday I feel much better. It seems like I have to get rid of a lot of extra energy. I talk a lot about the small village down the road, Vroomshoop, about the big truck full of food for the cows (the 'voederwagen') and about all kinds of other exciting agricultural equipment. I keep looking down the road if I see something more interesting. When someone asks me a question, I am so busy with what is inside my head, that I sometimes don't hear it. They have to ask twice.
zondag, november 14, 2004
On Friday evening I felt terrible. Flu-like, lots of coughing. Didn't do much at all. Mom's got the same thing and Scott also.
vrijdag, november 12, 2004
Playdate At The Goat Farm
Mom dropped me aff at the goat farm this morning. I remembered the big box full of mini-tractors. I also remembered the two Jack-Russell doggies. They are to-tal-ly WILD! Inside the house, they are like whirlwinds, but outside, they just run along and follow Farmer Fokalien. Next week I'll stay the whole Saturday!
woensdag, november 10, 2004
The Amazing Donkey

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. they all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then,to everyone's amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well, and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off! Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up!
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
And now, the rest of the story............ The donkey later came back and kicked THE SH*T out of the farmer that tried to bury him.
A Day Off
No teacher today. I spent the day with mom. We fed the checkens, had coffee (I had nut milk and pepernootjes (English recipe) + here's where you could order them!) and then mom and I did some work at the table. We played with the two knights and made a puzzle. Also we read all about the vet. Then we went out for lots of shopping. New shoes for me and Finn plus lots of other things.
Right now I am watching a Lassie-DVD! Mom remembers the series from when she was really young.

Right now I am watching a Lassie-DVD! Mom remembers the series from when she was really young.

dinsdag, november 09, 2004
Just Back From The Goat Farm
...and I liked it there. Farmer Fokalien is friendly. She showed me around on the Special Goat Farm. They have two Jack Russell doggies who are full of life. There are SO many goats! I played a bit with toy tractors and cars.
The One Who Did It
Appointment At The Other Farm
After lunch today, we (me & my teacher-for-today) will go and have a look at the other Special Farm where they have goats. I'm curious about it. Farmer Fokalien will show me around.

Lovely Breakfast Waffles
Easy, fast, deli, carbo-technically specifically correct:

1 cup of nut flour.
4 eggs
1 tablespoon of beekeepers' honey
a pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Mix and make these in your own favourite waffle maker

zondag, november 07, 2004
Last Words For The Minorca
We've just buried him. He has not survived the vicious attack from the other rooster. The gentle, kind Minorca had not even fully recovered from the weaknesses several weeks ago. When he had injections and medication. Last night he died. The thing with chickens is that it is sad, but it's different that when a cat dies.
zaterdag, november 06, 2004
The Other Special Farm
Mom and dad have just been at another Special Farm. They had a good talk with the farmer. I will go there next tuesday afternoon, so that they can meet me. Also next friday I have a play appointment at the new farm. The farm is a goat farm! White goats everywhere you look.
(Note: they have a spot for Nick once a month in the weekend to start with. The farm is traditional. They used to have pigs, but they switched to goats.)
vrijdag, november 05, 2004
Neurofeedback Development
I've been going to my neurofeedback therapist Susan for almost a year now. During the past year, she has tried to 'calm down' the right side of my brain. Only if that right side looked better on the computer screen, could she do something on my left side. On the left side there's lots of work to do, she says.
Today the right side looked fabulous and she did my left side, the side where speech and reading etc is.
Susan is thrilled.
Today the right side looked fabulous and she did my left side, the side where speech and reading etc is.
Susan is thrilled.
(Note: we keep a close eye on him. All seemingly small changes we have to report to Susan. From our feedback she can judge if she's on the right track)
Big Fight In Our Garden
When we got to the chickens this morning, we found our gentle and calm Minorca rooster lying on the ground, bleeding from its head. Mom took him inside to recover. He has no doubt been attacked by the newest rooster that is trying to be the boss right now. I am worried about the Minorca, but mom says that he'll be alright.
donderdag, november 04, 2004
Mom filmed me during my swimming lesson. I showed her what I have learned already. Swim instructor Henk is very pleased with the results so far. I now have some company in the huge pool, a tiny 5-year-old girl.
(Note: the digital camera is out doing another job this week, so almost no pictures.)
Another Appointment (Dutch link)
(Note: the search for possibilities in weekends continues. This coming saturday I will visit a farm (Dutch link), about 20 minutes away. Also an experienced Special Farm where they work together with all kind of children with a handicap. They do have a spot in the weekend...we'll see.)
woensdag, november 03, 2004
(Note: we are still trying to find a place for my son for 2 weekends a month. Just this afternoon the very best option for Nick said NO. They won't be able to handle it, he will need too much 1-on-1 attention. It is shattering 'news'. So the whole process of explaining the situation and finding a suitable place/farm/home, taking a look, having my son take a look etcetc, is all starting all over again. Meanwhile, NO HELP WHATSOEVER from the bureaucratic side of the playing field)
The Morning Chore
When mom and me have taken Scott and Finn to school, we go into the garden to feed the chickens. I take the bucket with new food and she brings fresh water. We go near the chickens. I throw their food on the ground. They get really close. When I have given them all of the food, we stay and watch how they are doing. We have to keep an eye on all chickens because they easily catch a cold in this foggy Dutch weather. Like the Friesian chickens will sleep in the hedge, rain, wind or fog! Mom and Scott take the chickens out of the hedge late in the afternoon and put them in the shed where they should be. But they are too wild.
dinsdag, november 02, 2004
Song About Benny
We sang a new song yesterday about Benny (the cuddly dog) in the dark. I liked the song so much, I joined Finn and mom in singing. When I clap my hands while singing, it's so much easier. Because speech is already very energy-consuming to me, singing is even harder. I have to concentrate hard to reproduce the exact words. I know the words at the end of each sentence. My brother Finn actually sings all day.
My big brother Scott did the Diepe Hel Holterbergloop again this year. What a sportsman.
My big brother Scott did the Diepe Hel Holterbergloop again this year. What a sportsman.