dinsdag, juni 29, 2004
Last day with Petra
...this is how much I love Petra. I will miss her. I bet mom will miss her too. She's my sweetest friend. 

maandag, juni 28, 2004
Doorbreek De Vicieuze Circel
The book Breaking The Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall has been translated into Dutch. Hopefully soon a link for placing an order.

Het boek Breaking The Vicious Cycle van Elaine Gottschall is vertaald in het Nederlands. De titel is Doorbreek De Vicieuze Cirkel. Vanaf september-oktober 2004 is het verkrijgbaar. Misschien binnenkort een link.

zondag, juni 27, 2004
Finn wants me to come along and free the little bird that got caught in the net. That is why I wear the red glove. 

In my garden I have now 8 squash plants. This is one of the best-looking. See the horse-manure? Scott is trying to set a record with the squash this year. 

The jar of squash. Mom and dad and Scott harvested the squash last year and now they are in the cellar in these glass jars. The squash is steamed and mashed. 

I'm showing Finn what Pinocchio's nose looks like. We already looked through all the other books we got from the library. 

MMMMMM, I had:
Dessert was nut yoghurt and some red berries from the garden. I drank some diluted farm apple juice. Just before I went to bed mom gave me a tiny bit of goat yoghurt.
sliced, steamed carrots & zucchini,
some broccoli,
some mini-squid (THE BEST!)
and omelettie.
Dessert was nut yoghurt and some red berries from the garden. I drank some diluted farm apple juice. Just before I went to bed mom gave me a tiny bit of goat yoghurt.
donderdag, juni 24, 2004
The bee
This is the bee that I made this morning with Karin. First we make a plan what to draw. I draw the head, then the body, then the wings and then you need the stripes and the legs. I like drawing. My teachers have tried for a long time to show me how nice drawing can be. I see it now! 

dinsdag, juni 22, 2004
donderdag, juni 17, 2004
...yesterday evening I ate mashed squash on 3 macadamia pancakes, a hamburger pattie, broccoli (I LOVE broccoli!) and an omelette.
Hester's Omeletties (makes 6 servings)
use a greased teflon pan with 6 small quiche shapes
preheat oven to 180 Celsius
6 eggs
a handful of vegetables
some fresh herbs (like oregano, parsley or thyme)
pepper & salt
more exquisite version: add pre-cooked onion and garlic and use leftover meat, sprinkle with roasted pine nuts or almond slivers
put all ingredients in blender and blend just a couple of seconds, it should not be too fine of consistency. Fill the shapes in the teflon pan. Put in the oven for about 20 minutes or till golden brown.
dinsdag, juni 15, 2004
Riding the Bike
...I get better and better and I really like it! We picked up Finn from school and we were back in NO time. I like riding fast.
This is the peanutbutter fudge that Hester made for me. Here's the recipe:

by Julia
4 tablespoons butter
1 cup honey
4 teaspoons vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup peanut butter
In a saucepan, bring butter, honey, vanilla, salt to the simmer stage and cook for 15 minutes. Add peanut butter and stir and simmer five minutes.
Pour into a buttered loaf pan and freeze until just till hard enough to slice with a buttered spatula. Cut them in small squares,wrap in pieces of waxed paper cut to size. Store them in the fridge.
Tip: Use Pyrex loaf pan

zondag, juni 13, 2004
"While you listen to the crocodile, I'll check the contents of your ears." I felt really tired and almost fell asleep on the soft, green and warm crocodile. My belly is a bit upset. Maybe it was something I ate or drank yesterday. 

maandag, juni 07, 2004
Yes! I can ride a bike
zaterdag, juni 05, 2004
The Gardener
"Mom what are these?"
"Can I eat them?"
"Not yet, look at the colour, what's their colour right now?"
"What colour do they have to be, what's the colour of raspberries?"
"Good, that's smart! Just wait a couple of days. The green will turn into red and then you can eat them! Just like the strawberries. They were green and now they are...?"

"Can I eat them?"
"Not yet, look at the colour, what's their colour right now?"
"What colour do they have to be, what's the colour of raspberries?"
"Good, that's smart! Just wait a couple of days. The green will turn into red and then you can eat them! Just like the strawberries. They were green and now they are...?"

...and all the time little Vlokje (Flake) is watching me. It's Finn's cat, he got it from Scott on his 4th birthday. 

This is in our garden. I was pretending I was a pirate, swooshing and slashing my sword. See how tough I look? 

vrijdag, juni 04, 2004
what's on the plate today
for breakfast I had LoisLang's Luscious Bread topped with nut yoghurt plus some watered down orange juice. [Mom's blender broke down so she can't make nut milk]
We had to go somewhere and I had lunch in the car. PecanBread, an overripe banana, some OJ and a boiled egg. Also some yummy honey nougat.
Then this evening Anna del Conte's adapted Ragu Bolognese with steamed cauliflower and a squash omelette. A couple of spoons of nut yoghurt for dessert.
Mom says that if I don't get my yoghurt in the evening, my poop will be funny in the morning. It's true.
We had to go somewhere and I had lunch in the car. PecanBread, an overripe banana, some OJ and a boiled egg. Also some yummy honey nougat.
Then this evening Anna del Conte's adapted Ragu Bolognese with steamed cauliflower and a squash omelette. A couple of spoons of nut yoghurt for dessert.
Mom says that if I don't get my yoghurt in the evening, my poop will be funny in the morning. It's true.
donderdag, juni 03, 2004
So what about school...
..I know mom is worried about it. She wants me to go to school, I have a right to learn like any other kid. We tried a special school, but there were several financial complications (really tough to explain). Mom will try one last thing. She wants me to go to a regular school. She'd like that school to form a separate small group of kids with special needs, in a seperate classroom, with a special ed. teacher and classroom assistant. When they can, the kids can stay in the regular classrooms. If it gets too difficult, they land in the safety net. These kids can then stay in that school, otherwise they'd have to go to a special school far away. The other kids benefit because they will look at us with more respect. The school can get a nice bit of publicity.
Hey, time for bed...this is the book about a girl that only likes white chocolate. I kinda like it, but there's better stories. When mom gives me a kiss and says good night, she'll let me look at my tractor book for sure. 

Ragu Bolognese 'Anna del Conte' (adaptation for SCD)
This is a new sauce that mom adapted for me from an Italian cookbook. I liked it a lot.
50 grams of ghee/clarified butter
2 tblspns olive oil
100 grams of panchetta, unsmoked, or legal bacon
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
1 celery stalk, finely chopped
250 grams ground beef
3/4 litre or 3-4 cups homemade broth
1 tomato
4 tblspns mashed pumpkin or squash
salt & pepper
Heat butter and olive oil in heavy pan and bake the panchetta for 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Add sliced/chopped vegs, bake again 2-3 minutes. Add the meat, high heat. Cook 3-4 minutes and add a glass of broth. Add pumpkin, tomato and some salt & pepper and simmer for 5 minutes. Add broth till the meat is covered fully. Simmer on very low heat for at least 1 1/2 hours. Do not boil. Stir occasionally and add salt & pepper if needed. Nice with spaghetti squash of course, but also nice just the way it is. The sauce seems a bit of work, but it comes down to adding everything one ingredient after the other while it simmers or cooks. We like it so much we eat it once a week.

50 grams of ghee/clarified butter
2 tblspns olive oil
100 grams of panchetta, unsmoked, or legal bacon
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
1 celery stalk, finely chopped
250 grams ground beef
3/4 litre or 3-4 cups homemade broth
1 tomato
4 tblspns mashed pumpkin or squash
salt & pepper
Heat butter and olive oil in heavy pan and bake the panchetta for 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Add sliced/chopped vegs, bake again 2-3 minutes. Add the meat, high heat. Cook 3-4 minutes and add a glass of broth. Add pumpkin, tomato and some salt & pepper and simmer for 5 minutes. Add broth till the meat is covered fully. Simmer on very low heat for at least 1 1/2 hours. Do not boil. Stir occasionally and add salt & pepper if needed. Nice with spaghetti squash of course, but also nice just the way it is. The sauce seems a bit of work, but it comes down to adding everything one ingredient after the other while it simmers or cooks. We like it so much we eat it once a week.

What is that in my head?
At breakfast I could not stop myself from making many noises. I know mom & dad & my brother Scott don't like that. Later, when Scott and Finn were off to school, I told mommy "noise in my head, here mommy" and I pointed to the back of my head. I think she understands better now. Maybe I make noises to make the other noises go away.
woensdag, juni 02, 2004
Wednesday June 2, 2004
Lunch was nice today. We ate in the garden under a big parasol, as it was raining just a little bit. Ineke was there (teacher for today) and of course Finn. I had pancakes, but not the MidasGold flat ones. These were thicker, more like the regular pancakes. I put honey and peanutbutter on them and they were really tasty.
dinsdag, juni 01, 2004
Having a bit of fun in the evening sun. In a minute mom will try to catch us. She says it's bedtime but we'll run away. 

We ate on the terrace. I had broccoli, a heart-shaped omelette (with chicken and vegetables) and mashed squash with one ripe banana and some honey. I drank nut milk. 

Tuesday, June 1 2004
Shopping is fun. I walk to the store with Geke (teacher for today). We will buy two cartons of milk. Mommy and daddy need it for their cappucchino. Then we go to the farm on the corner. We'll buy 20 eggs. I pay from my wallet. We talk a lot when we walk. I tell Geke what we did in the weekend. She asks all kinds of questions. I learn a lot.
This afternoon we'll go swimming. The sun is still shining. I took my small blue boat. Scott, my big brother and friend, took the giant crocodile.
This afternoon we'll go swimming. The sun is still shining. I took my small blue boat. Scott, my big brother and friend, took the giant crocodile.
Honey Nougat
...and this was the surprise for today. I can't stay away from these AT ALL.
1 cup of honey
2 stiffly beaten egg whites
1 cup blanched almonds
1/2 cup roasted hazelnuts & pecans
1. ***Nuts must be kept warm. You can use any mixture of nuts. Cover the nuts with foil to keep them warm.
2. Put honey in saucepan and place over medium heat. Stir with wooden spoon til boils. remove from heat and stir until honey thins to consistency of pancake syrup.
3. Stir in egg whites and return to heat. Keep stirring!
4. Continue cooking until it reaches a toffee-like colour and consistency. (hard ball stage)
5. Stir in nuts and mix well.
6. Spread mixture into greased pan. Cool and cut into 1" squares.

1 cup of honey
2 stiffly beaten egg whites
1 cup blanched almonds
1/2 cup roasted hazelnuts & pecans
1. ***Nuts must be kept warm. You can use any mixture of nuts. Cover the nuts with foil to keep them warm.
2. Put honey in saucepan and place over medium heat. Stir with wooden spoon til boils. remove from heat and stir until honey thins to consistency of pancake syrup.
3. Stir in egg whites and return to heat. Keep stirring!
4. Continue cooking until it reaches a toffee-like colour and consistency. (hard ball stage)
5. Stir in nuts and mix well.
6. Spread mixture into greased pan. Cool and cut into 1" squares.