dinsdag, december 21, 2004
Oh Terrible Accident With Vlokje
This is the road where we live...as you can see: straight, so that one can really make some speed and NOT see any cats crossing the street!!! ...and this is where Scott found Vlokje this morning. He was on his way to school as we saw him coming back with Vlokje in his arms. All bloody, his small head... Dad took Vlokje in his arms and he moved his ears a bit. Mom rushed him to the vet. It now looks like Vlokje will make it. He has a big wound near his tail. His head was so bloody because he hit the road on his mouth.
I tried to comfort Scott a bit. He was so very very sad. But later on, as my teacher came in, I'd forgotten all about Vlokje. There were other things to see on out street.

I tried to comfort Scott a bit. He was so very very sad. But later on, as my teacher came in, I'd forgotten all about Vlokje. There were other things to see on out street.
(This evening, if all goes well, we can pick him up. Prognosis is that he will live, but that he will need many days to recover. The vet cannot say if he will fully recover. Needless to say we are full of anger towards the filthy, mean person who left our precious, beautiful cat terribly wounded out in the cold. It was sheer luck that Scott found him so nearby. We'd rather not think about what would have happened if he had not found him.)