(He did make it through the night, unexpectedly. Vlokje is now home, but NOT doing well at all. Cannot walk, cannot eat, needs to be given its water, meouws in a way we have never heard before -he's obviously in pain-, has a funny look in his eyes. He's not even a shadow of what he was. But this dramatic thump on his head needs a lot of time. I do hope he recovers just a bit, he's improving slowly now. He has a big wound at his bottom, stitched up now. He needs an enormous amount of care. Scott can not bear to look at him. So although this is Finn's cat, Scott loves it to bits. Personally, I am not very optimistic about Vlokje's future. Sorry to say that the vet shares my view. He won't die, but what life is there ahead. But who knows, maybe in the new year he'll walk around the garden again...the vet certainly has seen funnier things happen with cats.)
# posted by Nick @ 11:42 p.m.