donderdag, oktober 13, 2005
My Balloon
Hot Air Balloon Art. A project that took several weeks to finish, but I'm very proud of it. We glued strips of newspaper around an inflated balloon (dirty job!). Then we hung it to dry. Last week I painted it. 

School Business
After numerous negotiations, it's now official: we're going ahead with our project. It means: to make it possible for children with disabilities to stay in the village and go to school in their own environment.
The School management (they manage 8 schools) is on our side.
The next months we are going to find financial and human resourses to translate the project into reality.
woensdag, oktober 12, 2005
woensdag, oktober 05, 2005
The Dumping of the maize. Jan-Willem has heaps and heaps of maize for his cows. Whenever they are inside the stable, they get this. 

dinsdag, oktober 04, 2005
This is where the maize gets dumped. To decrease the volume, they drive on top of the maize and flatten it.